ARIA Akira E. Ferrari Figure
The sculptor didnt have it on website but it seems that BEAT has decided to go for all the 6 undines. Akira figure will be 1/6 smilar to other undines. It will be released in May 2007 (Possibly end of May). My first impression is this figure show the casual side rather than the elegant side of Akira. Now only Atena's left, yet revealed. Also they should have design some with winter uniform.
I'm thinking of collecting all the prima undines, but haven't decided. Why? Because it's big, expensive and shipping's painful. Alicia figure cost 6631 yen with 1480 yen SAL shipping. Nevertheless, I'd probably would pre-order the early bird first.
More pictures at Hobbystock.
Update: Available for PRE-ORDER at HLJ now. Early bird 6631 yen, 5% of 6980 yen.
Release Date:
Akari: October 2006
Aika: November 2006
Alicia: December 2006
Alice: February 2007
Akira: May 2007
Atena: Unknown