Fate Stay Night Original Soundtracks

Fate Stay Night original soundtracks album has been released (28th June 06). It has 40 tracks including TV version of Disillusion (OP) and Anata ga ita mori (ED).
My comments:
Listened to all the tracks briefly and I immediately love it. Most tracks are excellent to listen to without reference to the anime. Besides the OP and ED, my other favourites include;
3. 運命の夜
4. 輝け少年少女
6. 孤独な巡礼
12. 家政夫は正義の味方
15. 冬木遠景
16. 受け継がれし刻印
19. 麗しき花々
27. 騎士王の誇り
28. 冬の妖精
31. 契約
34. 絆
38. La Sola
39. 群雄疾走
The OST is available at Yesasia
Labels: OST
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